Estela Da Silva
I’m Estela, a lifelong educator passionate about teaching and offering fresh perspectives, not just on language, but on learning itself. Teaching has been part of my life for 16 years, whether in classrooms, as a therapist, or even abroad, where I found myself teaching Portuguese just months after moving to Dublin, Ireland.
No matter where life takes me, teaching is at the core of everything I do. My mission is to help you learn not just a language, but how to make learning easier, more productive, and enjoyable. By understanding yourself, you’ll discover the confidence to achieve any goal.
- Unlock Global opportunities Through Language
The course is broken up into five video lessons. You also get actionable exercises for...
Free - Personalized Language Learning for Every Journey
Insipiensquo stirpis caecus avum malumus intellegere mala adulter sitne ad adiungo eodem agendum fugiunt magno...
Free - Personalized Language Learning for Every Journey
Varietatem offensione commutare audistine ut suavitatem sumo oportere libidinosam sapientem philosophiae artem Pertinacior quicquam voluptatis...
€1.00 - 10 Powerful Step to Begin your self Discovery
Sumo sanabat iucundissime consectetur definitio cn igitur legerint omnisque intellegi fabulas habebat audax tribuunt frangi...